Financial Development, Islamic Banking and Economic Growth Evidence from MENA Region, International Journal of Business and Management Science, Vol. 4(2): 75-106.
Financial Development, Islamic Banking and Economic Growth Evidence from MENA Region, International Journal of Business and Management Science, Vol. 4(2): 75-106.
Financial development, ICT diffusion and economic growth: Lessons from MENA region, Telecommunications Policy, Vol.37, 252–261.
Credit Markets Development and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence, Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol.4(9), 767-776.
The Effect of Enterprise and Household Credit on Economic Growth: New Evidence From European Union Countries, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 39(A), 226–231.
The Credit-Growth Nexus: New Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries, Economic Notes, Vol.43(2),115–135
International Tourism Demand in Tunisia: Evidence from Dynamic Panel Model, Economics Bulletin, Vol35(1), 507-518.
Trade Liberalization and Employment Intensity of Sectoral Output Growth: Lessons from Tunisia, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, Vol.26(2), 261-275.
The Corruption-Inflation Nexus: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol.16(1), 125-144.
Long-term employment intensity of sectoral output growth: Evidence from Tunisia, International Labour Review, Vol.155(2), 253-263.
Corruption in Africa: What Role Does ICT Diffusion Play, Telecommunications Policy, Vol.41 (7-8), 662-669.
The Dynamic Relationship between Corruption-Inflation: Evidence from Panel VAR, Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 68 (3), 458-469.
The Effect of ICT Adoption on Labor Demand: A Cross-Region Comparison, Papers in Regional Science, Vol.98(1), 3-16.
The effect of ICT adoption on labour demand: A cross-region comparison, Papers in Regional Science, 98 (1), 3-16.