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Seasonal Adjustment versus Seasonality Modelling: Effect on Tourism Demand Forecasting, Advances in Management & Applied Economics, Vol. 3(4), 119-132.
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Combination Forecasts of International Demand for Tourism in Tunisia, Journal of Quantitative Economics.
The Effect of Enterprise and Household Credit on Economic Growth: New Evidence From European Union Countries, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 39(A), 226–231.
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Does ICT diffusion matter for corruption? An Economic Development Perspective, Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 34 (8), 1445-1453.
The Dynamic Relationship between Corruption-Inflation: Evidence from Panel VAR, Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 68 (3), 458-469.
“The effects of household and firm credit on growth: New evidence from a panel of developed and developing countries”, Australian Economic Papers, vol 60, issue 3, 544-561.