Estimation d'une fonction de coût à frontière stochastique par une mixture de techniques: DEA, GP/CR et Bootstrap : application sur des données bancaires tunisiennes et françaises, RTEG N° 33.
Estimation d'une fonction de coût à frontière stochastique par une mixture de techniques: DEA, GP/CR et Bootstrap : application sur des données bancaires tunisiennes et françaises, RTEG N° 33.
Large scale analysis of Islamic equity funds using a meta-frontier approach with data envelopment analysis, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol.34, 324-337.
International evidence on Islamic equity fund characteristics and performance persistence, Review of Financial Economics, Vol.31, 75-82.
On the efficiency of manufacturing sectors: evidence from a DEA additive bootstrap model for Tunisia, Economics Bulletin, Vol.37(2), 1393-1400.
Stock return and volatility reactions to information demand and supply, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 39, 54-67.
The use of open source internet to analysis and predict stock market trading volume, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 41, 399-411.
"The asymmetric impact of interest and exchange rate on the stock market index: evidence from MENA region", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
“What explains the technical efficiency of banks in Tunisia? Evidence from a two-stage data envelopment analysis”, Financial Innovation vol. 7, issue 1, 1-26.