


Client 0000-0001-8395-3875

Yosra Ghabri est Maître-assistante à l’ESC Tunis – Université de Manouba et titulaire d’un Doctorat en Finance de l’IHEC Carthage.

Ses travaux de recherche portent principalement sur trois axes: Économie de l'Énergie, Marchés Financiers et Finance Digitale, Gouvernance d’Entreprise.

Yosra Ghabri a publié dans plusieurs revues internationales classées à savoir : Finance Research Letters, International Review of Financial Analysis, Applied Economics, International Journal of Finance & Economics, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Studies in Economics & Finance. 

Publications Scientifiques
Ghabri Y. (2022)

    "Legal Protection Systems, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance: a cross country comparison", Studies in Economics and Finance.

  • [Q3, ABDC RANK B]
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Ghabri Y. & Thraya M. F. (2022)

    "Régime Juridique, Gouvernance et Coût des Fonds Propres », Recherches en Sciences de Gestion.

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Mzoughi H., Ghabri Y. & Guesmi K. (2022)

    "Crude Oil WTI and Crypto-Assets under COVID-19», International Journal of Energy Sector Management.

  • [Q2, ABDC RANK C]
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Ghabri Y., Ben Rhouma O., Gana M., Guesmi K. & Ben Kraiem R. (2022)

    "Information Transmission between Energy Markets, Cryptocurrencies and Stablecoins in times of Pandemic », International Review of Financial Analysis.

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Ghabri Y., Huynh TLD. & Nasir M. A. (2022)

    "Volatility Spillovers, Hedging and Safe-havens under Pandemics: All that glitters is not Gold", International Journal of Finance and Economics

  • [Q2, CNRS CAT.3]
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Nasir M.A., Le T.N.L., Ghabri Y., & Huynh L.D.T. (2023)

    “Sovereign bonds and flight to safety: Implications of the COVID-19 crisis for sovereign debt markets in the G7 and E7 economies”, International Review of Financial Analysis, vol 86, 102548.

  • [ABDC rank A, Q1, impact factor 8,2]
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Ayadi A., Ghabri Y., & Guesmi K. (2023)

    “Directional predictability from central bank digital currency to cryptocurrencies and stablecoins”, Research in International Business and Finance, vol 65, 101909.

  • [ABDC rank B, Q1, Impact factor 6,5]
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Mzoughi H., Ghabri Y., & Guesmi K. (2023)

    “Crude oil, crypto-assets and dependence: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic”, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, vol 17, issue 3, 552-568.

  • [ABDC rank C, Q2, impact factor 4,32]
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Ghabri Y. & Gana M. R. (2023)

    “On the dynamic relationship between transaction volume and returns: evidence from the cryptocurrency market”, Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences.

  • [ABDC Rank C]
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Working Papers